
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Little time away!

We are headed out tomorrow morning for Bodega Bay! A beautiful inlet town with lovely beaches and no electronics!
My parents camp host an RV & campgrounds, so it is a very relaxing time. My mom is furiously baking cakes (my Dad's birthday 68th) is Friday! So we will have a nice ham dinner, eat all day, sing Happy Birthday and relax staring at the water! It is chilly still, and will be a bit rainy, but it is still beautiful!
We will spend the day there, then head for Napa (my parents home, but they aren't there!) to spend the night and still be away! lol Is a nice get away for us, as time off is very rare and precious!
I am shutting the laptop now, and beginning my away from it! I tell you it is hard! lol, but it so refreshes my brain and creativity.
Before I sign off, Easter is this weekend. A time of hunting eggs, eating chocolate bunnies and families getting together. I ask you to think about the real reason of Easter; that Jesus Christ died for all our sins and conquered death and the grave and rose again. That He is so worthy of praise and to stop and check your heart and life according to His word. Are you born again, do you have true assurance of eternity with Jesus Christ?
Easter is the day of His resurrection! I gave my life FULLY to Jesus Christ 2o years ago, and it is a life changing experience...the bible says, you must admit you are a sinner (that about covers all of us), and REPENT (turn from the way you are living to the way JESUS wants you to).
I have met so many lovely people thru scrap booking and this blog, but life is just a drop in the bucket according to eternity. To live and laugh for a mere 80 plus years (if we are lucky) and not know Jesus and stand before him, eternity is a long time...
I ask if you do not know Jesus,
call on his name,
admit you are a sinner,
that you know He died for you and in place of you for YOUR sins,
and that HE rose again over 2000 years ago,
ask Him to come into your life and forgive you of your sins and that you WILL be obedient to His word and live for Him the way He wants you too.
I wish I could sit with each and everyone of you and explain the supernatural love and grace and hope of Jesus Christ in my life...but you can have this in your life if you want.

I hope you understand my urgency and love for you all...
Think about Easter and God's incredible love for you!

Thanks for reading!


Never lose your joy!

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