I examined the skin, shoulder has a couple scraps and already bruising, have him go thru the drill, move your fingers, arms, wiggle your nose...all is movable and causes some pain, but no breaks. Ice and tylenol! Thank God, cause I had just gotten some mojo going on a layout...I showed it to Gman and he was, "oh that is way cool, I am coming right out of the middle!" Yep, that is the response I wanted. I fiddled with it for a bit and here is the final product...I don't know why it is cutting off on one side, but if you click on it, it opens in another window and you can see the whole thing.

It is all made with Carolyn Kite's kit, It's All about the "Tude. Isn't that the coolest title...she has a teenager! Caolyn has kept me so busy with all her new kits and now has a new and improved shop: Scrap-N-Tag. Since I first applied for her CT, I have wanted this kit! I finally had some down time to scrap for fun and CT! lol...
I spent most of the day, keeping the fire in fireplace going...because I am a firebug and it kept the chill out of the house. Now that my hubby's desk and computer are down at the church, my living room is so cosy. I organized my layouts and got my 2009 system together on my computer...I now have a little office off the dining room and trying to get myself back on a normal schedule.
The kids were off school today, kinda, cause I am a big believer in home-school light...which means, you have test coming up, we study. Plus, my Gman was a bit in a quandry with his math...but we got it all cleared up...and I relearned the 5 oceans and continents in order of size today, the cause and effects of the bubonic plague, and stop the presses, I think I have the election process and democracy of our government down too...ha ha...
Thanks for reading!
Never lose your joy!
LOVE this post! Glad G is alright.
The Bubonic Plague! LOL! As adults, we learn differently and perhaps, appreciate what we have (re) learned!
Thank you for the nice comments on my blog!
What a great read - except for the crashing part! Your layout is awesome! I am lucky my son was more of a computer geek. We were pretty crazy as kids. Our yard was where the ramps were set up. We used tires and boards. I am amazed I never broke anything that way (a trampoline got me LOL).
I love your attitude, and love to stop by and see what you are up to. I am behind on your photos.... so I will be heading over there next.
Have a great day!!!
I had girls. I know nothing ;)
Hi Anne! Just popping over from PixelGypsyDesigns.com to say HI and check out your blog. Very nice!
How fun are you! You are a great writer! Your layout is awesome too! I think you should create a companion page and copy and paste your blog post into it!
Oh, those boys/men! I can relate!
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