Two pics for the price of one view...hey you get a deal! I am not real happy about the fish pic, and that could be I am not real happy about having fish! The kids had 8 of them, won at a harvesters (Halloween thing from a church in town, but not Halloween cause it is a church) festival. Lovely...we came home
with 8 fish, my hubby put them in a gallon jug of water and they were there for a few weeks, ugh...lost a few...Yeah!

Then I weakened, like I do most times...and we got a fish bowl. More died. These two have survived weeks without food or water change so they get to stay....I even put the bowl on a low shelf in the dining area with hopes the cat (that isn't supposed to be inside, but sleep 22 hours a day on my footstool) would use it's street smarts and eat them...She didn't even look at them, but went straight for the Meow Mix in the cute little white bowl. The fish is from pic for yesterday-#6! I think the water needs to be cleaned again, then I will play with the real parts of the camera, those darn apetures and the other long name that I can never remember...

The next is a big favorite. I do not own a dishwasher...never have. I like to wash dishes, but I hate to put them away....(that is why no dishwasher, they would just stay in there til they were all used, then I would feel like I was actually putting them away twice). But I love the sprayer in HOT steaming water and fresh bubbles...just a pretty picture to me?
Do any of you like doing dishes?
Wow - I love close up pictures!!!
LOL I have a dishwasher...I would die without it. I'm not a fan of doing dishes by hand. Although I am with you on the not putting them away thing..that's why I have a 13 yr old daughter. I also don't do laundry. I, in the past, have bought my children clothing to avoid doing laundry. My daughter has since taken over that responsibility. Her only two chores..laundry and unload the dishwasher.
But I digress...Gorgeous photo...I love that you can see the water coming down and the bubbles look wonderful. The fish...well...there is always the "burial at sea" option.
And yes...I do try and have a life outside of NDISB but with the ADSR I have a feeling my life might have to take a back seat!!
The the close up photos, but I hate to do the dishes! Thankfully I have a dishwasher LOL.
great pics! I hate doing dishes, I have dishes from tonight Im still dreading doing. want to come and do mine when youre finished with yours? lol
Oh wow the pictures of the fish bring back memories (nightmares)of trying to keep a fish tank going. It was a Christmas gift from Grandma for our son, guess who got to take care of it. I now know more about fish than I ever wanted to know. We had to end up going from a 1 gal. tank to a 10 gal. Great pics and I don't like unloading the dishwasher either but I would rather have then there than hand wash.
Wow, Anne, you've got some tough little goldfish there! Bet they've got some really macho names - great pic!
Nothing like a sink full of dishes as an everyday pic. You've got some good suds going on in that sink. So what brand dish soap? Hey, I don't mind doing dishes; it's better than cooking! That's the deal at my house, my husband cooks (because he loves, too) and I get to do the dishes because I'd rather do that! We do have a dishwasher but it's on it's last legs and I can do the dishes till we can afford to replace it (LOL)! Hey, have a great evening!
Are you kidding? No dishes for me - its a almost rare occasion except when we go to the summer place there is no dishwasher. And as far as the fishies? I am glad my kids are past that stage. LOL
Those fish really have a will to live huh LOL!! Great photos!
I don't have a dishwasher, and I also don't have the cool looking sprayer-thingie bob that you have either....I *must* be livin' in the dark ages! :) As far as washing dishes.....meh....I could go either way...don't love doing them don't hate doing them either. However, given the choice...I'd totally do the dishes if it meant I didn't have to cook! :) I'm so thankful my old man is great with a stove!!
And before I forget, I love your shots! We have 6 fishies ourselves after having started off with 10. Not the most loving pets, but def. easy to care for.
Great pics. I would rather take pics of dishes than wash them!
Cool shots! I know all about the fish. I usually can't get them to last a week. When we moved two hours away, we still had one weeks later (figures) and I got to ride with a fish bowl on my lap!
Hihi, cool pics, great Idea!!
LOL-ing at your fish story, I have NO idea who at these events thinks giving away fish is a good idea! I definitely don't like washing dishes, but I do like to fold clothes when I'm not rushed!!
I don't mind washing dishes but hate to dry and put them away. I have a dishwasher but only use it when I feed all of the inlaws. I love my sprayer too :-)
Fish..yeah my kids all had fish when they were young and I was the lucky one to take care of them LOL
Oh my gosh! The daughter won 2 at the harvest festival this past year...they died within 3 days. I went out and bought a Beta. They're supposed to be hearty. She was talking to it one morning before school right after feeding it, then came to me later and said "I think he's taking a nap." Burial at sea #3. ROFL the little tank got put away!
The dishes...I don't hate doing dishes. I'd rather have a dishwasher, because I feel the dishes get cleaner. We don't have one, and hubby washes dishes most of the time because it kills my back standing at the sink for long.
Awesome photos!!
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