I have been completely swamped by the NDiSB Race and everyone of the CT's I am on has had or will have a new kit in stores this week. One had 3! I really like to keep up with that before this blog. But I took the pictures. As a matter of fact I am taking tons of pictures every day! I went today and did some that will be in layouts soon! I am finding myself looking for things to show! Not all of these are perfect, but they all made me smile or learn. I hope you enjoy.

For the 12th, the reflections are interupted for Lady FluffyPants, our cat that adopted us. We moved into this house and she sat in the front and would let us all pet her. Slowly we found out she had been abandoned. I feed her outside til it got cold, and she figured out how to open the screen. She now sleeps 22 hours on my footstool. She is so fluffy....hence her name. Lady FluffyPants.

This is my 13th and last reflection picture...I played with different buttons, the apeture? goodness, and speed of something...to get this to work without a flash...hence the yellow glow...which I think is rather cool...that is a full body shot of me! This is our back slider,so you are seeing the reflection of the room I do my layouts on, and our dining room and all around meeting room

My son, G-man is very thin, but just a wiry dude, he plays hard and loves football, tackle football..he has this cut (very small) on his ankle and he pointed out to me that it looks like a smiley face! I thought it looked like two dots and a NIKE swoosh, but I of course had to grab the camera...this is my Wednesday the 14th picture...

I live in California, which invokes images of fast cities, oceans and shopping. Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm and Hollywood. Roosters are not what you expect to see in California! I live in a rather large city, but we are still considered rural! Agriculture is the main industry...peaches, walnuts and figs! Roosters are everywhere...this one is my favorite...I took a ton of him today...I will blog on him tomorrow, for he inspired a full layout too! I will join the masses in the spring, buying chickens. It is legal to have 10 chickens in your backyard! Eggs are expensive...so I am gonna invest in chickens!
Great pictures ... your sons cut does look like a smily face :)
I love the one of your cat, looks so relaxed!
I love all your photos!! I have skinny kiddos too, well Noah isnt LOL But my Wes is and Lilys a tiny little thing. Always active though.I love the photo of the rooster too, your right totally unexpected for Cali but very cool to see a side not often seen there!
great pictures.
Great shots and great stories. Intense how kids look at their cuts... huh? TFS!!
Love your shots!
Great photos!
Your kitty look soooo much one I had for 10 years!! (At least from that angle anyway.)
His name was Willie and he was so fluffy that he looked like he was wearing pants!!
I'll have to post a pic of him someday. He was a prince!
Love the pics - especially the rooster. Good luck with your chickens.
Love your pictures, the cat is sooooo cute! The rooster is kind of cool too, hope to see your chickens when you got them!
Great shots, Anne, Miss Fluffy Pants (LOL) is just purrfect! Glad she found a good home with your family!
Very creative with all your reflections photo's, and what a great scar to have (LOL)! My son is into football, too, but luckily hasn't been hurt too badly!
My favorite is your rooster pic! I live in the country and no one around me has chickens. That is so interesting that you can have them there.
No, I'm not wearing my mittens (LOL). Kinda hard to type with them on. Hey, have a great weekend!
Hope you don't mind, Anne, but I gave you a blog award on my blog today.
Fabulous pictures, I enjoyed seeing them & reading the stories behind each :)
I've got 40 Chickens and Roos and they are such a pleasure to be around. I have most of them named, a few actually come running when you call their name LOL We are getting from 7 to 12 eggs per day right now, they don't all lay everyday in winter. I can't wait to see your chicken pics!
That cat looks so cute
Clam is alright
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