I won an award! It is an internet award...and I was really touched with the kindness in the words of Chris (aka Chreamps). I am a bad award getter, cause I dont' continue the chain. I do appreciate the sweetness of the award and the acknowledgement from Chris; who if you go to her blog is enjoying being under like 20 feet of snow. I have not figured this woman out, she wears mittens indoors... Pop over to her Blog and see. She also always leaves fun comments and never admonishes me for my bad english.

16 January 2009
I had two kids with strep throat today, so I cheated a bit, and pulled a picture from yesterdays jaunt with the camera and the morning sun. I am mesmerized by this walnut grove I drive by every morning to bring the kids to school. I love the feel of the branches and how much the sun can change the look of the grove. I have not added the sunbeams. This is straight out of my camera...an old Kodak point and shoot. I love it! Spring is getting so close here in California. Soon the trees will have green and buds with flowering. I love this time of year, because it means sweltering hot days of summer are closer. (I am a summer time girl) The kids are out of school, and life takes on a slower pace. Don't you think the walnut trees are kinda haunting looking?

My hubby gets up at 3 or 4am almost everyday. Why? Because he provides for his family. We moved to California with support from our church in New Mexico to start a brand new church. My hubby gave up a big government job because he knew he has a calling from Jesus Christ to preach the gospel. I totally back him. We have no debts, and believe this is the total will of God for our lives. To make ends meet a little closer, my hubby works stocking shelves at Target. I help by having his red shirts clean and stacked to make it easier for him in the early morning...this is his side of the dresser...I posed the gorilla (a gift from the G-man), but I am so thankful for my hubby...that his sacrifice and humbleness. I know this church is gonna grow with a Pastor that loves God, me with our kids, and people so much!

Okay, this is a wierd one, I know, but I am secure enough to say, I am a wierd mom. Although I challenged myself to 3 days away from internet, my brain was humming with ideas and ponderations. My MIL just had heart surgery (and doing well) but I wanted to make a card and incorporate the kids pics somehow. So I came up with using thier bodies for the alpha...woo hoo...My hubby stood on a ladder and took the pics, (I am scared of ladders, not heights, just ladders...)I arranged the kids on what I thought would be an easy erase sheet..but my boys had white socks on and shorts, so their legs are the same hue..ha ha..but I taught my 12 year old how to use the mask, so he did alot for me...the whole alpha will be up for view probably tomorrow or Wednesday on my blog...it is hilarious...my kids are gumbys...ha ah
19 Jan 2009

Anne, these photo's are fantastic!
I love the walnut grove one - those sunbeams coming through the trees are so pretty. I find them peaceful.
You are such a good wife to have your hubby's things ready for him.
I'm going to have to go over to your other blog and see that alphabet you made - what a great idea!
Really cool shot with your family's shadows, too!
Hey that break from the computer really got your creative juices flowing! Thanks for sharing and I so enjoying reading your blog.
Your pictures are great! And the stories with them! ;-)
What great photos. And the first one of the trees....WOW. Stunning!!
Wonderful pictures!
Anne, so glad you're back and refreshed! I LOVE these pics! The walnut grove looks professional! LOVE the Z with the kids. Christine
I'm glad to hear you are feeling refreshed. All of your photos are just stunning! I love the way the sun is peeking through the trees in the first shot! I'm also a sucker for landscape shots. Your second shot is fantastic but the story behind it is even more fabulous. What a wonderful opportunity to be walking the path God has chosen for you. I will keep your church and family in my prayers. How creative to make an alpha using your children!! Oh my I may just have to borrow that idea sometime if you don't mind.
The last photo is amazing too. The colors are just gorgeous!
Anne - your pictures are so beautiful. I love the walnut trees... you can totally see the sun shining thru and it looks a bit misty. So cool! Great Alpha shot, can't wait to see the rest. And I love the shadows picture... Great job with the camera.
wonderful shots!!! Hope your kids get well soon
I had to comment so you would know that you really do have 9 readers as I am the 9th comment.
I think your idea to photograph your kids as letters for a card is ingenius. You are such a crazy creative spirit. I love chatting with you because I walk away so inspired. Thank you, oh blessing on my days :)
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