Hubby works 4am to 10am M, W and Friday, and he gets up an hour early. He is very quiet, and I am
not complaining, but I get up right after him...wierd and exhausting. I was up late trying to figure out the blog...
thank you for all the kind comments!I started out plans for pantry, but laundry became a higher is getting chilly in the mornings, and our jackets were smelling a bit yuck! So I did a load of towels and our sheets before the kids got up. The boys seperated their laundry and started theirs, I reloaded the 2nd load for them and they will fold and put away when they get home from school.
Why is it, that my girls giggle before the sun comes up on Saturday and Sunday, but I had to drag them out of the bed this morning...their alarm went off and they got up and turned it off and went back to sleep!
Gabriel took a 20 minute shower before I realized he still wasn't ready to go to school! I even had to wake Eric up this morning! I am looking forward to getting that hour back next weekend!!
I cleaned out our coat closet, folded the towels and made the bed! woo woo, now I am pooped!
A dear friend from (her hubby is a Pastor also) Lake Havisu, Arizona called and we exchanged encouraging words, and laughed about our lives. It was a long phone call, and I am smiling because of it.
I did make dinner this morning, hey I am feeling better...I made Chicken Rigatoni...fancy word for speghetti sauce with whipping cream in it, chicken and rigatoni noodles...yummy and rib sticker...I keep nibbling at it...
I am going to take a shower and scrap a bit...I want to prep something for dear Charlie's Anna fell in love with the pink dress in her I have to figure out how to use it!