
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Off to meet the boys.

**due to privacy the boys names will be initials D-age 7, W-age 5 and J- age3.

Friday morning. Wait back up. Wednesday afternoon, Tony calls and says I got a van.  A 15-passenger van.  The bunk beds are set up.  The drawers are empty and ready.  I am ready, I think. Boy did I think weird!
Back to Friday morning:
We had to go to a calendar meeting, this is a meeting to figure out when we can meet the boys, when we can bring them home etc.  Social services and all really believed that D7 needed to say good bye to his teacher.  This was mucho important.  I had talked with her on the phone and she loved D7 and his brothers so much. The talk was us to drive 7 hours on Friday, meet the boys, and spend Saturday with them, and then return home Sunday evening.
The foster mom, my hero, and I will be doing a whole blog on her fabulousness; Renee, came up with the idea of us staying til Monday, so we could go to school, say goodbye and get home.  My tummy almost flipped, excited and scared.
It was settled, we drove out and off to the 4 corners area to meet our boys.  The drive is long, and boring.  We were all so excited and totally unprepared for what could, would or should happen.
Arriving at the hotel, about 6pm, we called and set up to go to the Foster Families home to meet.  I was shaking with I don't even know how to explain it. Fear, crazed and oh my goodness, Anne Marie, can you do this? for reals?? We all ate subway, splitting 6 inch subs, cause our tummies were so tight.  We got some ice cream drumsticks and proceeded to their home.
Now the foster family, I will call the Hutch's live in a outrageously beautiful house.  It is huge and sprawling and just wow!! We pull up, well, after I flew by it one time.  FosterDad(Rod) was outside, and then Renee came out.  Big breath and we walked to the back yard.  Renee had talked with them, and explained everything.  But the fear on their eyes, I could cry right now thinking about D7 standing there looking at me and his arms around his little brothers.  They were petrified, but still curious and had this adventure look in their eyes.
We babbled for a bit, then all the kids, went outside, each having a partner, and went on a walk.  That was what I needed, cause I was so tired physically from the ride, and emotions were just raw. 
They are so not like their picture.  The photo had been stretched out, and they are just tiny little men.
We stayed for a few hours, then went back to the hotel, just shell shocked but so encouraged.  W5 snuggled with me, D7 hugged me and talked a bit, and little J3, is a ham, and hugged everybody, and kept saying it's gonna be okay. 
Sleep came fast and furious that night.  Our boys knew us and we met them. 
More to come when I can sneak in time!


Jacinda said...

Oh Anne, my heart is so full for you and your family. I am DYIN' to see photos of the kids. Are you allowed? You must certainly have your hands full now, but just as soon as you can, you gotta finish this story. It's like reading a favourite book - captivated from the start, and not wanting it to end.

Lynne-Marie said...

I am so excited for you!! Thanks for sharing this adventure! I have tears of joy in my eyes just imagining the whole scene! :)

Keri Jo said...

You can do 7 kids! My olders help alot and I'm sure yours will too :) I would love to be your kids sometime... you are so much fun and have a loving heart full of Godliness :) Are you moved into the "church" already? Hope all goes smoothly for everything. Start saving for the gas that 15 passenger will want!! lol

Pressed Petals said...

Anne, I have to tell you that watching your family last night, I am going to cry typing this, was so touching (that's not even the right word). Gman was awesome with the boys! I see a real connection between him and D. The way you and Tony...golly, you can tell your heart is just so big and full of love for these boys! Don't you worry any, you guys are doing the right thing! What a blessing for you and for those boys! Ok, I need to stop so I can stop tearing up! ♥♥