
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

In Depth Curriculum-What, and Why's

A friend in Jesus Christ (Keri)that is in my GRANDmomma church of Prescott, Arizona left a comment in regards to not being familiar with some of the curriculum we are using.  Since we use a charter school for most funding (they don't buy Christian curriculum), we have had the opportunity to see what is just an abysmal failure and have found what clicks (at least at this moment in time) for the kidlets. I am in wait mode as my kids label and color the Painted Lady Butterfly print out, I could go into a bit more depth to what we are using.  I will link where I can.  Please remember, that EVERY child is different, and so are YOU!! What works for me, might be the worst thing ever for YOU!  **that is my disclaimer**
Okay, we start the day with Grammar.  I was my mom's worst nightmare in Grammar.  I remember her cringing as I slaughtered the English language.  Verbs and adverbs for some reason never really stuck in my brain.  
We pulled our kids out for last year.  Eric was going in 8th. Gabe was going into 5th, the twins into 4th.  My Grammar was below all of them.  First we ordered Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, a workbook that was pretty.  It had gumballs on the cover! 
 That is the depth I put into the first order!  I can honestly say, these workbooks were the cause of my first homeschool melt down.  It is by Zane-Blouser, but I couldn't even do the 4th grade book.  It was beyond pitiful!  We threw them in the trash and did happy dances in the kitchen.  Of course, then we had nothing for English!  I had to find something!
I had heard of Easy Grammar, and actually at a Home School Store in Sacramento, my husband thought it was something that would work.  He gets Grammar, so I figured, yeah, I better not get it! I watched the video at  Easy Grammar, and cried.  Okay, my emotions were high, I was a dismal failure at this homeschooling.  My kids were loving it, one less subject to was fun!
I looked at Shurley English!, and had some friends that like it try and explain it to was way to much work for mom.  So, I bit the bullet and ordered the 3rd grade Easy Grammar, and I did it over Christmas vacation. I got it!  You actually get rid of all the fluff in a sentence, via prepositional phrases being deleted!! You then just work with what is left!

Teaching Texts

Easy to Teach...
Easy to Learn...
Easy to Remember!

Easy Grammar texts use the prepositional approach combined with effective strategies. This helps students to understand grammar, a tool for speaking and writing properly.

See, of the dogs is a prepositional phrase, as is at us.  All that is left in the sentence; One barked. Action is the verb-barked.  Subject is ONE. 

We did all of 3rd grade, in 4 months!! Then we started 4th grades, worked on it for a few months, then put it away for 2 months in the summer.  We started yesterday, and it was like riding a bicyle, they all remembered and we are moving now with the additional Daily Grams, that are a daily review of Grammar.  We do two days first thing!  Just to get the brain moving!  Total time for Grammar 45 minutes of laughter and best of all, no tears.  From them or me!!

Easy Grammar! I highly recommend it

1 comment:

Keri Jo Wohlwend said...

You are so sweet to do a detailed info on each subject! Being new to homeschooling (our 2nd year) I'm still figuring out what's best for us and am always curious to see curriculum in action. I do like Easy Grammer as I used it when I was homeschooled and have that book- I may bring it out again this year for one of my kids that struggles like I did in Grammer. And we did Math U see last year, and I liked and didn't like it. I didn't think it taught enough other stuff. Maybe it was just the year we were on, but I loved how the kids "got" what he did teach. Don't kill yourself in posting it all soon!