
Friday, October 16, 2009

This is from my heart!

Some of you know that my in real life friend; Christine also known as Alamama is now designing. She has come up with a kit about the trials, pains and ups and downs of wanting a child and going thru it. This kit so touched me, as Christine always, I mean every Mother's Day I knew her before I became a mother, seemed to put me first before herself.
Our church would hand out roses to the mom's as they came in the church, and it seemed like I was running a gauntlet that dreaded Sunday in May. I would try and keep my normal cheery attitude, but some times my emotions were running deep and strong.
Christine kept hope in God and His plan for my life at times when I wanted to just blubber and scream!
I opened this kit, and pulled up all the precious pictures of us picking up all 4 of our kids. Pics of us before kids, pics of us with the kids, and I kept coming back to this picture of Christine.
I tried to put in words the thankfulness I have for the people God has surrounded me with. (eek, ending sentence with preposition).
This layout was done in gratitude for a woman who has jumped into the designing arena at a time that there are 100s of others doing the same. I hope you see just how much she shines above the rest!
Go buy her will love it! If Adoption isn't something that has touched your life, buy one of her other ones...go..go on...ScrapMatters....she is Pressed Petals, and she is good!
Here is the full kit:She also has this perfect word art, that captures the angst of adoption:



Michele said...

Wow!! That was very touching. I have to agree, she is a great blessing!

Pressed Petals said...

Ah...thanks you two!