
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Homeschool Transcripts and Plan for HIGH School

Today is the day, I work out all the kinks for the next few years of homeschool.  My high schooler is moving at warped speed growing up.  He started working this morning, (electrician's helper) and wants to keep making money.  Visions of Dad's green Chevy Silverado  becoming his as his encouragement! Plus, he gets his Driver's Permit next week, and insurance is on him.  
He does his school work very early.  He can bring it up the mountain, work in Dad's office and then go to work for the Electrician at 10am.  I just want to make sure the work is done and done right.
We have already mapped out his requirements for Graduation. (he has completed 9th grade and 1/2 of 10th).  In order for him to go to New Mexico college and receive Federal Grant money or monies from the Lottery he must have an accredited NM school diploma or GED from New Mexico. He will complete his NM requirements and do GED preparatory books/classes also.  He is not sure about college in his future, but Mom is going to make sure it is a possibility.  He is 15, mom is older...ha ha Either route he takes, be it trade or college, he will have knowledge and understanding. 
Here is his unofficial transcript and plan for High School

English 9
Physical Science &
Physical Science Lab
*Life Skills
**Fine Arts (Guitar)
*Spanish (1)


Algebra II
English 10
World History & Geography
Biology &
Biology Lab
Bible-Old Testament
*Life Skills
*Arts (Drama & Lighting)
*Driver’s Education
*Work Place Readiness


English 11 – GED prep writing/lit
Science – GED prep                           
New Mexico History
Government-GED prep
Bible-New Testament
*Life Skills
*Arts (Drama & Lighting)
*Work Place Readiness


Math –GED prep
English 12-GED prep writing/lit
US History/Geography GED prep
Bible – IS
*Life Skills
*Arts-GED prep

Having started home schooling in California and then moving to New Mexico.  The standards are pretty close, just different ways to count the credits. We have really tried to stay as close to the New Mexico standards as possible.  He will actually exceed the 25 units by 6 full credits! I am rather proud of that! Very well rounded studies. He has 3 units of Bible and his Sciences have lab credits.  His work around the house (which is extensive) earns him credits also.
I have most of his books.  We will go up to the college as this school year draws near, to find out when and how to do the GED testing.  I do know he is eligible at 16, but I want to wait til he is 17.  He needs to do a bit more prep work for the testings.


Entered High School as a Freshman in: 2010*

English 4

Communication Skills 0

Mathematics 4

Science 3

New Mexico History 0.5

Government 0.5

United States History & Geography 1

World History & Geography 1

Economics 0.5

Health 0.5

Physical Education 1

Practical Arts/Fine Arts 1

Electives 8

Total 25



Pressed Petals said...

just finished c's transcript...thanks for the link. off to see ben.

Nikki:) said...

ohh emm ge anne!! eric looks soo much older gosh crazy how fast they grow...hes turnin into a lil man how cute:)