
Friday, September 17, 2010

Somewheeeeeeere over the rainbow...........way up hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!!

Your welcome, now that song will be in your head! That and others from the Wizard of Oz!  I love the movie, and like most of you remember family night around the television to watch The Wizard of Oz!  Tangie Baxter has taken those memories and dropped them right smack in the middle of Halloween! Delightful!! Hallowe'en in OZ
I was completely blown away at this kit, and had the best picture of my oldest son, in a scarecrow costume last year.  It was one of those moments, that you look at the pic and realize, uhm maybe I pushed to hard for him to participate?
For the record, the boy has a reprieve and will be handing out candy this year!

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